However, you might get stuck when it comes to assembling a strong group of figurines capable of waging war anywhere. If this is the case then consider your issue fixed! Follow this amazingly crafted Age Of Sigmar tier list and you’ll thank me later.

Age Of Sigmar Tier List – 2022

The AOS tier list consists of 6 tiers namely SS, S, A, B, C, & D. The characters are assigned rank considering their performance, playstyle, skills, and so on. Start with the list and I will throw in some words for characters in each tier.

Tier SS

Tier SS includes the best figurines. Make them your first priority as these are the must-have in your team. Sadly, there’s only one worthy enough to be included in tier SS.


Tier S

Tier S figurines are sure to gain you maximum wins. They should be placed second on your priority list. Fortunately, here you have many options which are listed below.


Tier A

Army in Age Of Sigmar tier list A might not be the best when compared to their peers in Tier SS & Tier S but they also form the deadly team. It includes the following army.

Skaven HoS BSZ IJ Maw FEC Nurgle BCR

Tier B

Tier B figurines are average. It is best recommended to select them only if you are a seasonal player. Since you need expertise and must know how to make the best use of little skills they have. Tier B includes the following.

LoN StD NH Khorne GG

Tier C

Best to not consider the figurine included in Age Of Sigmar tier list C.


Tier D

Tier D figurines only feature 2 armies which are absolutely worthless. Neglect them completely.

SYLV Chorf

Age Of Sigmar tier list sums up and I hope you found it useful.  Since you are here why not check more tier lists like this on Games Adda.