To those who are new to this game, Crypto has a back story. Before joining the Apex games, Crypto was framed for a crime he did not commit, murder. And he then joined the Apex games to find the main culprit. Read along further to know more about Crypto in Apex Legends Mobile.

What are Crypto Abilities in Apex Legends Mobile?

Similar to the other legends in the Apex games, Crypto has 3 abilities in Apex Legends Mobile. They are as follows

Passive Ability – Neurolink Tactical Ability – Surveillance Drone Ultimate Ability – Drone EMP

Crypto’s passive ability is called Neurolink. While using this ability, Crypto can uncover any traps set or detect opponents in a certain range (30m) with the help of his drone. Not only that, but the teammates will also be able to see the traps and enemies around.

Surveillance Drone – Tactical Ability

While using the Tactical Ability, Crypto can send his drone a bit ahead to scan the enemies, if any, and highlights the enemies. This ability gives you a heads-up while entering into an ambush.

Drone EMP – Ultimate Ability

His ultimate ability is called Drone EMP. While using this ability, Crypto’s drone creates an EMP blast which damages the shields of the enemies, disables traps, and even reduces the movement speed of the opponents. So, this is all you need to know about Crypto Abilities in Apex Legends Mobile. Hopefully, this guide was helpful to you. While you’re here, you can go ahead and check out other similar articles such as Apex Legends Mobile: How to get Fade? and Best Legends for Arena Mode in Apex Legends.