There are plenty of puzzle quizzes in Dragon Raja but what has left fans scratching their heads is  Project Rhein. Unlike another quiz in Dragon Raja, this one is only available on Saturday for a limited period of time. There are plenty of Dragon Raja players who have recently been searching for Project Rhein answers and if that’s you then look no further as we have got you covered. What makes it quite difficult to solve the Dragon Raja Project Rhein quiz is it requires users to respond in either YES or NO. If you really want to progress through the game quickly, make sure to answer each question correctly. With that in mind, we have brought to you a list of all questions and answers, making it easier to progress through the game instantly. Before we share the list of Q and A, let me tell you that this Quiz is listed as a Club activity on the said time.

All Dragon Raja Project Rhein Correct Answers – 2021

Without any further ado, let’s take a look at the Dragon Raja Project Rhein correct answers: Question 1: Was Manecke Cassell the founder of Cassell College? Ans: No Question 2: If a woman with red-green colorblindness has a daughter, will she be red-green colorblind, too? Ans: Yes Question 3: If a man with red-green colorblindness has a daughter, will she be red-green colorblind, too? Ans: No Question 4: When rolling 2 six-sided dice, does rolling a total of 8 have the highest probability? Ans: No Question 5: Luminous ate two 9 inch pizzas and Finger ate four 6 inch pizzas. Did Luminous eat more than Finger? Ans: Yes Question 6: Luminous ate two 9 inch pizzas and Finger ate four 12 inch pizzas. Did Luminous eat more than Finger? Ans: No Question 7: Was Chisei Gen ever the high patriarch of the hydras? Ans: Yes Question 8: Is Anjou the name of the Night Watcher in Cassell College? Ans: No Question 8: Does the International Date line overlap the 180 degrees longitude line? Ans: No Question 9: Shavee’s real identity is the Lord of Earth and Stone? Ans: Yes Question 10: Is Masashi Toyama Cassell College’s psychology counselor? Ans: Yes Question 11: Can blood rage forcefully increase the Dragonblood’s potency for a short time? Ans: Yes Question 12: Is “Norma” the name of the Lord of Bronze and Flame, one of the four dragon lords? Ans: No Question 13: Is “Nibelungen” originated from Nibelheim, The World of Mist in Norse mythology? Ans: Yes Question 14: Is “Nibelungen” derived from Valhalla of Norse Mythology? Ans: No Question 15: Do Polaris and the big dipper belong to the same constellation? Ans: No Question 16: Is the surface temperature of a blue star higher than a red star? Ans: Yes Question 17: Last year the school board investments decreased 25%, but this year increased 20%. Did the school break even? Ans: Yes Question 18: Last year the school board lost 20% on their investment, but this year they gained 20%. Did the school board break even over these two years? Ans: No Question 19: In Japanese mythology, are the “Triune Divine Vessels” a sword, a mirror, and a seal? Ans: Yes Question 20: In Japanese mythology, are the “Triune Divine Vessels” Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano’o? Ans: No Question 21: In the history of the Dragon Clan, did the Dark King unite with humanity to rebel against the Light King? Ans: No Question 22: In the history of the Dragon Clan, did the Light King unite with humanity to rebel against the Dark King? Ans: Yes Question 23: Do Leaves appear green because they reflect green light? Ans: Yes Question 24: Is Antarctica the world’s smallest continent? Ans: No Question 25: Is the Philosopher’s Stone an effective weapon against dragons? Ans: Yes Question 26: Are Student Union and Lionteeth the two competing clubs in the school? Ans: No Question 27: When rolling 2 six-sided dice, does rolling a total of 7 have the highest probability? Ans: Yes Question 28: Are Masamune Tachibana and the Devil Clan’s “Osho’s Blade” actually two identities of the same person? Ans: Yes Question 29: Masamune Tachibana and the Devil Clan’s “Dragon Lord” are actually two identities of the same person? Ans: No Question 30: If Professor Schneider needs 6 minutes to go from the library’s first to third floor, will it take him 15 minutes to go from the first to the sixth floor? Ans: Yes Question 31: If Professor Schneider needs 6 minutes to go from the first floor to third floor in the library, will it take him 12 minutes to go from the first floor to the sixth floor? Ans: No Question 32: Is Nono’s Chinese name Wenmen Chen? Ans: No Question 33: During a lunar eclipse, is earth positioned between the Sun and the Moon? Ans: Yes Question 34: Is the Cassell College’s Gear Dept. made up entirely of males? Ans: Yes Question 35: In a marathon, Lancelot just overtook the previous second place runner. Is he in second place now? Ans: Yes Question 36: In a marathon, Lancelot just overtook the previous second place runner. Is he in first place now? Ans: No Question 37: If Trieste dives down 10km, will it be under 1000 atmosphere of pressure? Ans: Yes Question 38: Did Professor Manstein go to China to recruit Luminous Lu? Ans: No Question 39: In the Power Word Periodic Table, do Power Words become more unstable the higher they are? Ans: Yes Question 40: In the Power Word Periodic Table, do Power Words become more unstable the lower they are? Ans: No Question 41: In the EX-Periodic Table, the lower the number is, the less stable an Extra Skill is? Ans: No Question 42: In the EX-Periodic table, the higher the number is, the less stable an extra skill is? Ans: Yes Question 43: In a class of 50 students, is the probability that two students will have the same birthday 90%? Ans: Yes Question 44: In a class of 24 students, is the probability that two students will have the same birthday 1/15? Ans: No Question 45: Is Guderian Cassell College’s psychology counselor? Ans: No Question 46: Are all of the Fuma Clan Chiefs in the history called Kotaro Fuma? Ans: Yes Question 47: If yesterday was tomorrow and today was Fri, then is today actually Mon? Ans: No Question 48: Is Draco, one of the mythology symbols of the dragon clan, a part of the 12 Zodiac signs? Ans: No Question 49: The nearest star to Earth is about 4.2 light-years away? Ans: No Question 50: Is Aurora a natural phenomenon that only exists in low latitude areas? Ans: No As soon as more questions are added to the Dragon Raja Project Rhein quiz, we will update this post.