Here is a Diablo 3 season 24 solo build tier list ranking all characters in different classes from best to worst.

Diablo 3 Season 24 Tier List – Best Solo Builds Ranked

There are a total of 7 classes in Diablo 3 — Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, Witch Doctor, Wizard. Each class in Diablo 3 has several characters to choose from and that’s the reason why we have divided characters into different classes. The S tier is the topmost tier that has all the best characters in the game whereas D is the last tier in the list having all weaker characters in the game that still need some improvement.

S Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24

LoD Wave of Light, Monk Inna Mystic Ally, Monk Wrath of the Wastes Rend, Barbarian Firebirds Mirror Images, Wizard Patterns of Justice Tempest Rush, Monk GoD Hungering Arrow, Demon Hunter LoN Bombardment, Crusader LoD Poison Scythe, Necromancer LoD Corpse Explosion, Necromancer Mundunugu Spirit Barrage, Witch Doctor Zunimassa Poison Dart, Witch Doctor LoD Twister, Wizard Aegis of Valor Heaven’s Fury, Crusader

A Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24

Sunwuko Wave of Light, Monk Natalya Rapid Fire, Demon Hunter Savage Frenzy, Barbarian Masquerade Bone Spear, Necromancer Might of the Earth Seismic Slam, Barbarian Might of the Earth Earthquake, Barbarian LoD Frozen Orb, Wizard LoD Hydra, Wizard LoD Tempest Rush, Monk DMO Twister, Wizard Firebird Flame Blades, Wizard Vyr Reverse Archon FO, Wizard Typhon Hydra, Wizard LoN Poison Dart, Witch Doctor Akkhan Bombardment, Crusader

B Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24

Raekor HotA, Barbarian LoD HotA, Barbarian IK HotA, Barbarian Jade Harvester, Witch Doctor Arachyr Firebats, Witch Doctor Helltooth Zombie Bears, Witch Doctor LoD Spirit Barrage, Witch Doctor UE Hungering Arrow, Demon Hunter UE Multishot, Demon Hunter LoD Death Nova, Necromancer Invoker Thorns, Crusader N6GoD4, Demon Hunter Inarius Corpse Explosion, Necromancer Inarius Poison Scythe, Necromancer DMO Frozen Orb, Wizard Roland Sweep, Crusader SotL Blessed Hammer, Crusader LoD Blessed Shield, Crusader Vyr Chantodo, Wizard Uliana Explosing Palm, Monk LoD Rapid Fire, Demon Hunter

C Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24

Furious Charge, Barbarian LoN HotA, Barbarian Sweep Attack, Crusader Marauder Sentry, Demon Hunter Rathma Bone Spirit, Necromancer Inarius Generator, Necromancer Arachyr Firebats, Witch Doctor Whirlwind, Barbarian Zombie Bear, Witch Doctor Shadow Impale, Demon Hunter Immortal Kings HotA, Barbarian Gargantuan, Witch Doctor Lightning Archon, Wizard Pestilence Cold Lancer, Necromancer Trag’Oul Corpse Explosion, Necromancer Tal Rasha Frozen Orb, Wizard Marauder Cluster Bombs, Demon Hunter IK Charge, Barbarian Akkhan Condemn, Crusader

D Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24

N4M4 Cluster Arrow, Demon Hunter Natalya FoK, Demon Hunter LoD Mage, Necromancer Trag’Oul Lancer, Necromancer LoD Meteor, Wizard Helltooth Gargs, Witch Doctor Raiment Generator, Monk

This is everything you need to know about the best builds in Diablo 3 Season 24 best solo builds. Check out another article on Project M tier list to know the best characters in the game.