Efficient Ways to Farm in Dislyte

There are a few ways that you can farm in Dislyte. Whether you prefer Point Wars and PvP battles or Story mode, here is how you can farm and get the most in Dislyte.

Best Esper To Farm With in Dislyte

When farming, it is best to use Mona as she not only has great AOE skills but also nuke damage. You can easily get her right at the beginning and if you use the Hades Set and Sword Avatar then you get to use bonus CRIT stats as well. Mona is insanely powerful and must be invested in right from the get-go since when maxed out, she can finish the highest level in Story Mode all on her own. Calling Mona powerful is a sore understatement! She is by far the best to farm within Dislyte and should be considered a need in your team.

How to Farm Through Point War

Point War allows you to join battles with other players and gives you amazing rewards for winning. Since Point War is the PvP battle version in this game, it allows you to farm rewards and get XP that much faster. The best way to farm through Point War is by using the best Espers in your team, keeping a strong supportive DPS player and one strong healer to help carry the team to the end of your battles. This formation will make the team strong enough to go to the higher tiers without losing any points to do so. Now, when you join a match, there is going to be five opposing squads that you can choose from. Three will be separated from the two below. The top three will be in the same tier as you. These will be the main challengers for you. The silver emblems in their titles will represent the number of points that you will accumulate. They will fill up your rank bar in the game. If you’re a competitive player then you will want to challenge the three that are in your rank. On the other hand, if you just want to get supply vouchers over any other rewards then go for the easy kills instead.

How to Farm Through Story Mode

Story mode is the easiest and best way to farm in Dislyte. Through this mode, you can farm experience the most as other items and rewards are relatively low. However, you can get Experimon which will give you that much more experience along with gold and Divinas. In this mode, go to the most difficult practice stage that you can get to and follow these steps. First, use Mona as your captain. And put a strong DPS character like Sander, Ren Si, Lin Xiao, Li Ling and Tang Yun on the other end. In the middle, put fodder like Starimon as the fillers for the rest of the Espers. This is because the Starimon will also level up when used and even though they won’t be great on the field, it is great to add them for the sake of farming. This is why it is important to have Mona who is great on her own along with a strong DPS unit. If these two are not enough and they keep on dying then you can also remove one Starimon to add a healer like Chang Pu or Ye Suhua. But make sure to only put your best one on the field. This will help you farm the most in Dislyte.

Multi Battle Settings To Help Farm in Dislyte

Once your team is ready, go to your ‘Multi battle Settings’ and make sure that only the following is ticked:

Multi battle stops when Esper levels maxed. Replenish Stamina with Stamina Supply Packs. If wanted then you can also sell relics Swap out Espers that are only three stars and below

Make sure that you don’t tick the ‘auto swap of Espers’ box as that will swap out your Starimon when maxed out. This is because we want to obviously max out our Espers. And at the same time, we want to farm to gain points and rewards in Dislyte. Not lose Nexus crystals in the process of fighting. Now you can let the matches autoplay as you move onto Point War battles, to the Gacha or even the Cube, Infinite, Ritual or Sonic Miracles. Keep in mind that you can’t do multi battles here and need to do single battles instead. These were the best ways to farm in Dislyte. For more Dislyte content, check out this guide on how to level up your Dislyte Espers’ star level with Starimon.