This has been a constant point of contention with Apex Legends players as Apex Legends itself does not offer cross play. So, is it possible that players might get cross progression in the mobile version of the game?

Does Apex Legends Mobile Have Cross Progression?

Unfortunately, no. The time of cross progression has not yet arrived in the game. Though players have been petitioning for the feature in both versions of the game, so far neither offers it. While Respawn Entertainment has stated that players might see cross play in the future, nothing concrete has been announced yet. So, players looking forward to playing the console or PC game and having cross progression with Apex Legends Mobile will be disappointed. Another reason for not offering cross progression between the two games is that while they are quite similar, they are not infact the same game. Apex Legends Mobile has subtle differences to its PC or console counterpart.

Does Apex Legends Mobile Support Crossplay?

Apex Legends Mobile also does not offer crossplay options to its players. Therefore, players looking forward to playing the PC or Console version with friends on mobile will have to look for other games. In the end, not offering crossplay between mobile and PC/Console players might be a good decision. Players using a mobile have much lesser control over their character than players using keyboard, mouse, or controllers. That is about cross progression in the game. For more Apex Legends Mobile guides, check out How To Use Finishers In Apex Legends Mobile?