List Of All Cat Pokemon Listed In The Pokedex

We aren’t ranking any pokemon based on any attributes this is a simple listing of all the Cat Pokemons.

The type of Pokemon matters a lot as it will determine who the Pokemons are effective against and what type of attacks it can withstand. In simple words, a water-type Pokemon is very effective against fire type but not very effective against grass-type Pokemon. The animal the Pokemon is based on also decides the attacks it will have and how agile the Pokemon will be. While Pokemons based on Cats like Meowth are more agile so they have attacks like Tackle, Pokemons like Snorlax which is based on Bear have attacks like Bodyslam. In total 26 Pokemons are based on cats out of the total 898 Pokemon. We have included Pokemon from the Kanto region (Pokemon Red and Blue) to Pokemon Sword and Sheild. That’s all for this one, for more such info, tips, and tricks about Pokemons do check out our extensive Pokemon Guide.