Evony TKR: Best Sub City Generals

Baldwin IV

Baldwin IV was the King of Jerusalem that cost sixty million gold. And is Awakened General of Europe section. His base stats are leadership 112, attack 108, defense 115, and politics 108. And his unique ability is Surprise Attack. This ability lets him increase training speed and decrease Ranged and Siege Machine attack, defense, and HP.

Amr ibn al-As

Amr ibn al-As is an Awakened General who was an Arab commander. He costs sixty million gold. The base stats he offers are leadership 113, attack 106, defense 107, and politics 118. His unique ability is Military-political Genius. The ability allows him to increase the death-to-survival ratio by 15% and decreases enemies’ defense and HP.


Jester is an Awakened General from April Fool’s Day. And he costs twenty-eight million gold. This unique ability is Atrophy. This allows him to increase sub-city training speed by 30% and decrease enemy defense and HP by 10%. His base stats are leadership 98, attack 108, defense 103, and politics 80.

Lu Ban

Lu Ban belongs to China culture General and costs sixteen million gold. The base stats he offers are leadership 109, attack 44, defense 67, and politics 123. And his unique ability is being a Master of Tools. This allows him to boost gold production speed by 75%.

Harun al-Rashid

Harun al-Rashid is an Abbasside of the Abbasid Dynasty. And he cost fourteen million gold. His unique ability is Diligency. The ability allows him to increase Subcity construction speed by 60%. And the base stats he offers are leadership 108, attack 85, defense 95, and politics 97.

In this article, you learned about the best Sub City Generals of Evony TKR. Are you looking for more such guides? Then check out the best Siege Machine Generals and Military Academy.