Also Read | Outriders Split Screen Local Multi-Player Outriders demo will provide you with a substantial sneak peek of what you can expect from the RPG Outriders full version which is all set to unfold on April 1st, 2021. Even though it’s not an open-world title there are still tons of activities and a lot to explore around. Since the demo is not brief you must be wondering how long it will last once started playing. Keep scrolling to get the answer for the same.

How Long Does Outriders Demo Last?

Outriders demo is a good 3-hour session that brings players a fascinating post-apocalyptic interaction. In this 3 hour narrative, you’re likely to indulge yourself considerably in a powerful prologue, multiple story missions, challenging side quests, extensive loot, and a fairly good set of abilities that will help you understand whether or not you liked the game. Let’s understand the demo in detail. Also Read | How To Fix Outriders Not Working On Xbox Issue?

Outriders Demo Overview

In the opening missions of the title, you will be scouring your way through the early hours of the post-apocalyptic plot. Even though only up to 7 levels are accessible and just a few missions can be unlocked, you can run the demo countless times, test out multiple character classes and discover distinctive skill sets. With the support of Outriders Cross-play functionality, you can also invite your friends to play with on whatever platform they employ.

Will Progress Transfer To The Full Game?

You can exploit gaming features to farm Legendaries and leverage accessible material for Legendary weapon systems and amours. In addition, you can start all over again right from the prologue and unlock all the loot chests once again, without wasting the progress of your characters. The challenging phase is when you hit World Tier 5 where you have a good possibility of scoring those legendary drops. Also Read | Does Outriders Have PVP Multi-Player Mode? If you’re fortunate enough to earn the Legendary drops at the most difficult game level, don’t worry all your progress will be saved, and you’ll find them waiting for you in the full game due soon on April 1st, 2021. Besides, players who update their controllers can also proceed from where they left off. This means that you can enjoy the first few hours on PS5 and the rest on PS5.

Tips For Demo Session

If you plan to test the demo version of Outriders on PC then modify a small setting for an amazing experience. Simply switch off the motion blur for the best graphics and improved FPS. Also Read | Fix Outriders Demo Internet Connection Error In a nutshell, the answer to your query about how long does outriders demo lasts is approximately 2 to 3 hours and yes your saved progress will be transfer to the full game which will release on April 1st, 2021 on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.