How To Complete Hello Neighbor Act 1?

The goal of Hello Neighbor Act 1 is to find the red key to the neighbor’s basement. This can be tricky as players will first need to get to the roof of the neighbor’s house with the neighbor on constant vigilance. Therefore, players will have to be quite light on their feet to complete this stage. Let’s go over the stage step-by-step so that players can have a better understanding about how to do so.

Getting To The Basement

Players will get caught by the neighbor in the early part of the Hello Neighbor Act 1. This will happen no matter how well you were playing so don’t worry about it. Players will start from their home after getting caught. They need to grab some cardboard boxes and something to smash a window with (The TV set can do the job just fine). Now go to the ladder propped by the side of the front entrance of the neighbor’s house. Players will be too short to climb the roof just through the ladder though. They will need to climb up and prop the cardboard boxes on top of it to get to the roof.

Now use a hard object to break the window on the left to get into the upper floor of the house. Once in the room, players will see a red lever on the right side wall of  the room. Players will need to provide it power before they can use it.

To do this, players will need to remove the painting with the flower which is located in the same room. Once players have grabbed the painting, a secret room will be revealed behind it.

Here, a switch will be located that powers the fan in the other room. Once switched on the fan will blow whatever is on the shelf onto the lever. Players need to move the lever so that the platform it controls is on the ground. Next, they need to place a box on the shelf with the fan so that it moves towards the lever and activates it. Meanwhile, players will need to get to the lever quickly before the box moves the lever. Get on the platform and break the window above it to gain access to the house again. The neighbor is on patrol so be cautious. In the room, there is a red key on a table. Grab it and exit the house.

Enter the neighbor’s house through the front door and in the first room to the right there will be a door with a red lock on it. Open the red lock with the red key and enter the basement.

Complete Act 1

Players will need to follow the path till they reach the washing machine. Open it to reveal a room hidden behind it. Players can pull down the windows in the room and climb through.

Hit the power switch on the wall to open another door by using its switch. Players need to keep moving till they get to the door with a red light. Click the switch and enter the room. Clear out chairs and clear the path. Go back to the switch and turn the power off. Locate the generator on the other side of the fence to the powered door.

Players can pile up items around their surrounding to get over the fence. Turn on the generator to activate a green light door on the the other side of the fence. Players will need to hit the switch and go through that door. This will initiate a chase sequence that will end Hello Neighbor Act 1.

This is how players can clear the Hello Neighbor Act 1. For more Gaming Walkthroughs, check out Games Adda’s Walkthrough section.