How to Bury Dead Body in Cult of the Lamb

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Open your game, and approach the body of a follower you want to bury. Once you reach near him or her you’ll see the “Prepare for Burial” option on your screen. Click on that option. Body will get wrapped in bandages. Build a Body Pit. For doing that go into Divine Inscription and Click on the “Body Pit” button. Now you are going to need 1 Divine Inspiration for building it. For Divine Inscription first approach your follower. Then select Worship on the menu that is popping into their head. Followers will go near the statue and worship. After they have finished Worshipping you’ll receive a divine inscription. Now use it for buying body pit. Once you have prepared a body pit and wrapped your dead follower take him/her near the body pit. As you get near that grave you’ll see the “Bury Body” option. Select it, and your follower will get his peace. Conduct a funeral if you have unlocked it. It will give 20+ faith points.

If you were able to bury your follower’s body in Cult of the Lamb then do check out how to get gold bars.