Apex Legends Connection Issues

Without a single doubt, constant lags and random disconnections can make any players frustrated. The game was doing pretty well and suddenly started posing connection issues discouraging many players from connecting to the servers. Also Read | Download Apex Legends On Android & IOS This makes it difficult to have seamless gameplay no matter the device you are playing on and in such cases usually we wait for the developers to address the issue. In case you can’t wait until the time makers remove the glitch go through the below methods that may help you with your misery.

Restart Game & PC

This is the most obvious yet magical fix you can implement to overcome lag or connection issues in Apex Legends. Simply restart the pc or any other device and game. This disallows the background apps or any third-party sites from interrupting the game processes. So when your game isn’t affected by any other apps it will start running smoothly.

Check Internet Connection

Apex Legends being online games sync the data to their servers in real-time. A weak internet connection may pose such troubles. So when the game crashes or connection to server time-out pops up on the screen try to fix your poor internet. Pro Tip: Wi-Fi does not guarantee steady internet so if you are running the game on Wi-Fi I highly recommend you to switch to Ethernet. Trust me this will work wonders.

Flush DNS

Flushing DNS may help you get rid of the Apex Legends connection issues. Here’s how to flush your DNS:

Step 1: Press the Windows key. Step 2: Type cmd in the search bar. Step 3: Right-click on Command Prompt. Step 4: Select Run as an administrator. Step 5: Type the commands given in the below syntax one by one each followed by an Enter. Step 6: Restart your PC. Step 7: Restart the Game.

Run Apex Legends As Administrator

At times improper or no access to the gam’s root file triggers such errors and glitches. This can be prevented by running the said game as an administrator. You can solve the connection issues in Apex Legends by giving it administrative access. To do these follow these quick steps:

Step 1: Right-click on the Origin icon on your desktop screen. Step 2: Select Run as an administrator. Step 3: Pop-up window will appear. Step 4: Click yes to give the required permissions.

Clear Game Cache Folder

With this simple solution, you can resolve the Apex Legends connection issues. Here’s how to clear the game cache folder.

Step 1: Exit game and Origin App. Step 2: Press Windows + R keys. Step 3: Type %ProgramData%/Origin in the search bar. Step 4: Hit OK. Step 5: Origin folder with subfolders will appear on the screen. Except Local Content delete all the folders.

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Step 6: Press Windows + R keys again. Step 7: Type %AppData% in the search bar. Step 8: AppData/Roaming folder will appear on the screen. Go back to find the Local Content folder. Step 9: Open the Local Content folder. Step 10: Delete the Origin folder under it. Step 11: Restart PC. Step 12: Re-launch the game.

I hope all these potential solutions help you resolve the Apex Legends connection and lag issues. If not then you have to wait for the hotfix release by the EA.