The most irritating and frustrating issue that Apex Legends players are currently having is Apex Legends no server found on the screen. Unlike other errors, the developer has acknowledged and promised to fix Apex Legends no servers found as quickly as possible. The only reason why players are taking to social media and expressing their discontent about this error is the developer has just dropped Apex Legends Season 9, introducing plenty of new things to the game. If you too are encountering Apex Legends no server found and unable to enjoy the latest season then don’t worry, we have a guide covering its possible fixes in the simplest way possible.

Apex Legends: How To Fix No Servers Found Error

To fix No Servers found in Apex Legend, you will have to run the game on a different server. The servers that I would suggest to use are Amsterdam, Frankurt, London and Tokyo. This fix might not work for you but there are players who reported to have resolved this issue by using this method. So, if you have not tried any solution as of yet, you must give it a try. If you tried changing servers but you are still facing No Servers found error in Apex Legends then follow the given steps:

Download the latest version of Origin Launch the OriginThinSetup file and follow on-screen instructions. Search for Apex Legends and Install the game. Select the file where you want the game to be installed. Once the installation is completed, launch the game

There are players who reported that they are unable to see their unlocks, purchases and Apex Coins due to this error. If that’s the case with you then don’t worry, it is a temporary issue and the developer will soon fix it. That’s everything you need to know about how to fix Apex Legends no server found in 2021.