How to purchase and get the LaFerrari in Forza Horizon 5 (FH5)?

To get the LaFerrari in Forza Horizon 5 you will have to try your luck at the Auction House. This means that the prices will be inflated as the vehicles are sold by individuals. So, all the best trying to get your hands on one of these. You will end up shelling quite a lot of money for one of these. This is one of the methods by which you can get the LaFerrari in FH5. The next method by which you can get the LaFerrari in the game is by getting it as a reward. However, this is a pretty expensive method as you will have to unlock all the Ferraris in the game. Only once you are done with that, you will get the LaFerrari as a confirmed reward. This is part of the Manufacturer rewards, a mechanic that is new in Horizon 5. Many players were dumbfounded when they couldn’t see the LaFerrari in the main Autoshow. So were we admittedly. Another pet peeve that players have is that you cannot get this vehicle as a drop in Wheelspins or Super Wheelspins. This is everything that you need to know about How To Get LaFerrari In Forza Horizon 5 (FH5). While you are here, you can also have a look at How To Get A Police Car In Forza Horizon 5.