Everybody knows how popular messaging app WhatsApp has become right now. There are millions of users who are currently using it to communicate, exchange images, videos, gifs and PDF files. Imagine how will it feel to hack your friend, boyfriend or husband’s Whatsapp account and keep an eye on his activities, who he chats or rather flirts with? Doesn’t it excited? In order to hack someone’s WhatsApp account, you merely need to know the WhatsApp number you want to hack and keep an on him or her. Here’s how each and every Android and iOS users can use this trick and hack someone’s Whatsapp account within a few minutes. Without any further ado, let’s go through the guide.

How to Check Someone’s WhatsApp Messages Without Using Their Phone

If you want to read someone’s Whatsapp message without touching their phones, you will have to follow these steps: Step1: Go to Google Play Store and download WhatsApp Sniffer and Spy tool

Step 2: Once the installation is done, open it and enter the Whatsapp number that you wan to hack. Step 3: It could take a few minutes for the hacking to be processed and then click on ‘Verify option’ Step 4: Now, you can get access to your desired Whatsapp number and can check his or her messages, images, videos, or any other information that he or she has stored over the last 30 days  in no time.