How To Train Pets In Virtual Families 3?

It is quite easy to get and train a pet in Virtual Families 3. Players can go to the in-game Store and then go to the Pets option. Here, they will see all the different kinds of pets available like cats, dogs, turtles, etc. Each pet has a different cost and players can purchase them if they have sufficient money and the level required. As for training pets in the game, there are 2 ways to do so. Let us take a look at them below.

Manual Training

This method works much like training for the human characters. If the pet is performing an action that players want to encourage, they should use the green hand to encourage the action. On the other hand, if the pet is doing some thing that players want to discourage, they should use the red hand to discipline them. Just like the humans, the pets will also get annoyed if players spam on the praise or discipline. Pets might even run away from home if they are disciplined too much. This method allows players to train their pet in specific behaviors and allows much more freedom then the second option. Players can also give their pets treats to strongly reinforce a behavior when they train pets in Virtual Families 3. Treats are randomly available in the Flea Market.

Obedience School

Players can also choose to send their pet to obedience school. This option allows pets to get training but players will not be able to customize the behaviors. It costs 1000 coins to send a pet to obedience school. This is how players can train  their pets in Virtual Families 3. For more guides on the game, check out Virtual Families 3: How To Fix Toilet?