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HuniePop 2 Gift System Guide

Under the HuniePop 2 new gift system, gifts are categorized as:

Date Gifts Food Gifts ♥♥♥♥ If We Know Gifts

In this game, the protagonist as in “You” is supposed to pick out the date gift before even actually going on a date and you can gift only one girl at a time. This implies, if by any chance you don’t remember whom you gave the gift then you must also forget about getting it ever back. After selecting a gift, you will try to offer it to the girl, and two sentiment meters will start filling up independently. Conversely, this makes it next to impossible to use any gift as when sentiment fills independently per girl the moves deplete irrespectively. In addition, in the game, you would need to boost your skills which is only possible if you offer the girl a non-date gift. These non-date gifts are likely to deplete your stamina, though. Sadly, you don’t have any other means of enhancing your skills, but opting for stamina consuming gifts. Also Read | Mifly City Walkthrough And Ending Guide While in original HuniePop You were allowed to check in the HunieBee what kind of gift they’d like, same is not the scenario in the sequel game HuniePop 2, you are required to make a wild guess, risking your income on the gifts that people might even don’t need. Hence, you may end up screwing yourself out of Vital XP by selecting the wrong gift. Finally, there are food items to refill the girl’s stamina meter outside date however it will still have a little effect on the girl puzzling you what to do with it in real. To tell, it will work only outside the date while ♥♥♥♥ If We Know Gifts works on dates. You’re likely to be SOL if you happen to drain their stamina meter with depleting items like gifts and idle conversations as you’re permitted to gift a girl only one food item per conversation.

HuniePop 2 Gifts Lists

As you must be aware, gifts are items to be offered to girls in Huniepop. Whenever you give a girl a gift that she loves, you get a date gift that can be used on dates. Below are the 12 categories of the HuniePop 2 Gifts list.

1. HuniePop 2 Academy Gifts

2. HuniePop 2 Aquarium Gifts

3. HuniePop 2 Artist Gifts

4. HuniePop 2 Baking Gifts

5. HuniePop 2 Dancer Gifts

6. HuniePop 2 Fitness Gifts

7. HuniePop 2 Gardening Gifts

8. HuniePop 2 Rave Gifts

9. HuniePop 2 Scuba Gifts

10. HuniePop 2 Sports Gifts

11. HuniePop 2 Toys Gifts

12. HuniePop 2 Yoga Gifts

I hope you find the HuniePop 2 Gifts guide useful. Do check other guides on our website GamesAdda.