As we all know that PUBG was banned in India in 2020 because of similar reasons, players are once again worried if the replica of PUBG i.e. BGMI also will be banned. If you are looking for answers for the same, then here is all you need to know about if BGMI is banned in India!

BGMI Ban In India Date 2022

BGMI IS NOT BANNED IN INDIA. BattleGrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is a replica of the popular Battle Royale title PUBG. Krafton is a Korean company that made notable changes in PUBG and made BGMI keeping Indian security guidelines in mind and then marketed it in India. During crackdown 2022, there was no solid reason to ban BGMI though it is a copy of PUBG. Krafton has all the servers based locally in India and no information is passed out of the nation. Hence looking at the safety norms, it does not fall under the security section 69A and hence wasn’t banned during this crackdown. Apart from servers, BGMI had made changes keeping the average age of all the players in mind. As we all know that BGMI was launched post-pandemic and the majority of players were minors. For all these young players, Krafton crafted a special parental mode in the game. This mode ensures the safety and security of the players and has a special verification process set for minors. BGMI also has minimal violent scenes that are made by keeping all these things in mind. Soon after PUBG was banned in India, Krafton broke all its tie-ups with Tencent and then marketed their game in India. looking at all the precautions and notable changes made by Krafton it does not fall under Section 69A and so was not banned! Here we come to the end of this article, read another article on Tencent’s share in Free Fire!