Signal started gaining attention after millions of WhatsApp were enraged and unhappy with the latest privacy policy of the messaging app. Many users were so concerned over user data privacy and started looking for WhatsApp alternative messaging apps for increased security. If you are also thinking of switching to Signal keep reading to know about Signal For Desktop? also read our article on  WhatsApp Vs Signal Vs Telegram: Which App Is More Safe And Secure? 

Is Signal For Desktop (Web App) Like WhatsApp?

Signal was founded in 2014 and has around a 10-20million active users. Recently after the hype, it has received Signal’s desktop app came into existence in order to compete with WhatsApp. You can definetly opt for Signal as a good alternative for Whatsapp and can follow simple steps to move group chats from WhatsApp to Signal.  Here’s is how you can set up Signal on your Mac or Window’s PC:-

Also Read | How To Read Someone’s WhatsApp Message Without Touching Their Phones

Is Signal Desktop App Safe And Secure?

Similar to WhatsApp, E2E encryption covers all forms of communication on Signal. Signal also encrypts your metadata and has proved to have great strength in its security. Signal also does not collect any other data from you other than your phone number unlike other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram is one of the best and most secure apps. You can rest assured that Signal for Desktop will also be safe and secure to use just like its mobile app.