Kirby And The Forgotten Land Guide for the Concrete Isles

To finish this stage, you will need to complete the following missions:

Dig up a Maxim Tomato Make landfall on the Isle of Treasure Greet 3 sea birds Save the 3 hidden Waddle Dees in Concrete Isles Clear the Stage

While these are the missions that need to be completed, you will find that you are able to do some of the latter missions before the first few ones. And so, this guide is for a straightforward walkthrough based on what you will do as you start the stage till the end. You will be able to find and rescue all of the Waddle Dees in the Kirby And The Forgotten Land: Concrete isles with ease!

Greet the First Sea Bird

Right at the start of the level, you will find the first sea bird. Just jump off the starting platform and swim or fly to the square platform that is right in front. A sea bird will be swimming right there. As you get close to it, it will fly away. That’s all you need to do. You’ve greeted your first sea bird!

Free the First Waddle Dee

You will find the first Waddle Dee soon after greeting the sea bird. Of course, you will have to fight a couple of the beast pack members before you can get to it. I mean, just because it’s found early, doesn’t mean that it’s easy to set free! To set the first of the Waddle Dees in the Concrete isles free, you must first collect five of the Green Star Bits. These are easy enough to find as they are right on the concrete walkway. In order, here are all of the places where you can find the Green Star Bits:

Pass the first Balloon-Meister seal and get the Star bit on the platform behind him

Ride the conveyor platform and get past the red Bronto Burt. The Star will be on the ledge.

Close to the last one, you will have to get rid of the two Bombers. Then climb up onto the raised area and grab it. Be careful though, as soon as you grab it, a pair of Bronto Burts, Scarfys and Squishys will immediately appear.

Ride the conveyor platform and grab the star when it meets the second platform in the middle of the sea.

Now you will come to a platform with a Bomber, two green Glunks and a giant seal. Defeat all three of them and collect the last and final Star Bit.

Now that you have found all of the Green Star Bits, a crane will raise and you will be able to see the first Waddle Dee. It will be in a cage with a pile of Star Coins and a Treasure Chest. Fly over and rescue your first of the Waddle Dees in the Concrete Isles.

Greet the Second Sea Bird

After freeing the Waddle Dee, you will have to fight two Digguhs on the ring-shaped island.

After you defeat both of them, the centre of the ring will fill up and a drill ability will be unlocked.

Now fight a Scarfy on an S-shaped island.

Just past that, if you look to your right, you will see a Sea-Bird next to a Glunk. Greet it the same way as before and then move up the concrete walkway.

  **Note: You will get the drill-ability needed to continue the game as there is a lot of drilling involved from here, in the Kirby And The Forgotten Land: Concrete Isles stage.

Free the Second Waddle Dee

On the walkway past the sea birds now, you will start to find Orange Star Bits and Gigatzos. Dig your way past the Gigatzo cannons and fight the Beast pack as you go up to collect the Star Bits. Here are the locations of all the Orange Star Bits in the Concrete listed below:

In the sandy start area, you will find the first Orange Star Bit. Defeat the Digguh over there to get to it safely.

Get past the Gigatzo using your drill-ability and dig in the middle of the dirt pit. You will find this right in the middle of the sandy area on the concrete platform. But be careful as you will also find three Squishie squids in the same area.

To the right of the sandy area, you will find a conveyor belt that will take you to the third Star Bit. Be careful though, you will need to use your drill ability to go and come back as the Gordo Bar is right there.

Now you will find the fourth star right up ahead guarded by a Digguh and Gigatzo cannon on the raised platform. To get to the platform without getting hit, you can dig as fast as possible and then jump before the Digguh catches you. Be careful to time your escape by watching the Gigatzo’s bombs as well.

Now, run to the concrete walkway up ahead and get a mouthful of the orange scissor lift. Use the track to move right and press A/B to go up or down.

Come right under the Scarfy and hit it. Stay at the top and now exit the scissor lift into the alcove of the wall. Now go in and drill, the fifth Star Bit will reveal itself.

Now that you have collected all of the Star Bits, a crane will bring up a platform with the second Waddle Dee along with a pile of treasure.

Greet the Third Sea Bird

Go towards the platform with the completed Yellow Star. In the front of this platform, a sea bird will be perched in the sea. Go towards it till it flies away. And done! You have now completed the Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Concrete Isles quest of greeting three sea birds.

Make Landfall on the Isle of Treasure

Now, swim along the power lines till you find that there are some that are in the water instead of above. Swim above these lines and swim out to the island in the distance.

When you reach this island and climb up, you will have completed the Make Landfall on the Isle of Treasure quest of Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Concrete Isles!

Free the Third Waddle Dee

Now, after reaching the island, you will notice that there is a treasure chest. Open the box and it will reveal the third Waddle Dee! Congratulations, you’ve completed three quests in one go! On the island, you will also find that there is a complete Orange Star. Climb onto it and it will take you back to the inside of the powerlines. Now you can swim to the platform with the Yellow Star and climb onto it. This will take you to a new island.

Free the Fourth Waddle Dee

On the new island, dig on the stairs that keep moving as you go along the wall. As you dig the dirt patches, you will collect four Green Star Bits like this.

You will find the first of the Green Star bits as soon as you enter, on the top of the moving staircase.

The second will be found right after the first one, behind the Mister Seal. On top of the stacked boxes. Dig the boxes to get to them.

On the second set of moveable staircases, you will find the third star. Be wary of the Gigatzo cannon though!

One of the patches, however, will uncover a completed Orange Star.

Use the star to get to the top of the wall and move uphill. Collect star coins and have a mouthful of the blue pipe at the top.

Now, roll down the hill to smash the Awoofy, Glunk and some metal boxes. Roll a bit back up again now and rush down to hit the Digguhs as you rush into the cracked wall up ahead.

With enough force, you will hit the wall and smash right through it. This will reveal the final Star Bit and complete the Green Star. Below, the wall will open and reveal the cage of the fourth Waddle Dee. The pipe will have flattened out now and you can spit it out. Get down and fight the Digguh guarding the cage using your drill ability. Now rescue the Waddle Dee and complete the quest of saving the hidden Waddle Dee!

Well done! You have now completed 3/5 of the Kirby And The Forgotten Land: Concrete Isles quests!

Dig up a Maxim Tomato

  After freeing the Waddle Dees, you will have to run past the first two Gigatzo cannons. Now, on the path, right in front of the third Gigatzo cannon, you will find a patch.

Dig this patch to uncover the Maxim Tomato!

And there you have it, one of the simpler quests is complete. Simple but unfortunately, not as easy as you wish it was.

Clear the Stage

Victory is almost yours! Now, all that you have to do is run or drill past the last three Gigatzo cannons and climb up the metal platforms.

You will see a platform with three Waddle Dees in a cage.

Jump onto the platform and free the Waddle Dees! And there you have it, you have finally completed 5/5 of the Kirby And The Forgotten Land: Concrete Isles quests!

Kirby And The Forgotten Land is one of the best Kirby games out there, with the perfect blend of cute and interesting. It really is hard not to get hooked. The Concrete Isles are one of the most interesting stages in this game and has been a ton of fun to play through. For more Kirby related information, check out this article on How to heal in Kirby And The Forgotten Land.