League Of Legends (Lol) Jungle Tier List Patch 11.17

All the characters in League of Legends are divided into three tiers S, A, and B with S being the strongest and B being the weakest. Jungle role characters can be found in all three tiers. Here are all the Jungle characters in League of Legends ranked tier-wise.

S Tier Jungle Characters In League Of Legends

Xin Zhao Shaco Kha’Zix Lee Sin Evelynn Fidlesticks Kayn Rammus Zac Kindred Elise

A Tier Jungle Characters In League Of Legends

Rek’Sai Warwick Karthus Master Yi Nunu & Willump Gwen Diana Wukong

B Tier Jungle Characters In League Of Legends

Ivern Trundle Ekko Morgana Vi Taliyah Skarner Volibear Jax Jarvan IV Gragas Amumu Sejuani Mordekaiser

Players new or old should know that there is no specific character that is better than the one you are comfortable with. In case you are new, we would recommend you to go with Volibear and Xin Zhao as these two are easy to handle and dish out high damage from the start. These were all the Jungle roles characters in League of Legends ranked. The tier list is based on our experience of the game. Many players might agree or disagree with the list, we would recommend you to refer to the list before building your team. That’s all for this one, do check out our complete League of Legends Patch 11.13 Tier list to get the best characters for all roles.