Hero Lineup Aginst Terrorthorn Monster In Lords Mobile

All you need to take Terrothorn down in Lords Mobile is a good strategy and a Solid Infantry ATK boost. MAGIC HEROES are more preferred to kill the Terrorthorn still you can also use the ATTACK HEROES for the same.

List of the best attack heroes:

Scarlet Bolt Death Archer Trickster Cursed Hunter Demon Slayer Shade Tracker

Use your heroes and take him down than wasting your MATK heroes to kill Terrorthorn.

There are two options to play in Lords Mobile –

Free to Play (F2P) Pay to Play (P2P)

So if you choose F2P then here is a hero lineup for you to kill Terrorthorn Monster in Lords Mobile:

From level 1 to 5 you can follow this lineup-

Tracker Shade Demon Slayer Scarlet Bolt Black Crow

And if you go for P2P then here is a hero lineup for you to kill Terrorthorn Monster in Lords Mobile:

From level 1 to 5 you can follow this lineup-

Femme Fatale Shade Demon Slayer Scarlet Bolt Black Crow

List of rewards you will get after killing Terrorthorn in Lords Mobile:

Terror Jewel Terrorthorn Seed Honey Jar Terrorteeth Terrorvine Terror Pollen

You can also receive the following items in rewards from Monster Level 1 to Level 5:

Gold- 15k to 600k Gems- 200 to 1000 Sheild- 8h to 3d Speed Up- 60m to 24h

Use all the lineup properly to kill Terrorthorn and earn maximum rewards in Lords Mobile. That’s everything you need to know to kill Terrorthorn about it, read our article on Lords Mobile Gargantua Lineup.