Also Read | Maplestory Best Link Skills Guide

Maplestory Leveling & Training Guide – 0 to 120 

1-10 Training: Tutorial or Job Specific Quests 10-15 Training: Level 10

MOB(S) – GreenMushroom Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Henesys: Spore Hill

15-20 Training: Level 15

MOB(S) – Stone Golem Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Henesys: Golem’s Temple Entrance

20-30 Training: Level 19

MOB(S) –  Flaming Mixed Golem  Best Training Spot For This Level Is –  Henesys: Golem Temple 3

30-45 Training: Level 37

MOB(S) – Dumpy Hoodlum Best Training Spot For This Level Is –  Savage Terminal: Shaded Dump Site

40-50 Training: Level 45

MOB(S) – Wraith Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Kerning City, Subway: Line 2 Area 2

50-60 Training: Level 55

MOB(S) – Wild Boar  Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Perion, Burnt Land: Wild Boar Land

60-70 Training: Level 62

MOB(S) – Skeledog, Mummydog Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Perion, Excavation Site: Military Camp 1

60-70 Training: Level 66

MOB(S) – Copper Drake Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Sleepywood, Swamp: Silent Swamp

70-75 Training: Level 74

MOB(S) – Luster Pixie Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Orbis: Cloud Park VI

75-85 Training: Level 81

MOB(S) – White Fang Best Training Spot For This Level Is – El Nath: Ice Valley II

85-95 Training: Level 89

MOB(S) – Sand Rat, Level 90 Scorpion Best Training Spot For This Level Is -Magatia, Sunset Road: Sahel 2

90-100 Training: Level 91

MOB(S) – Iron Mutae Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Magatia, Alcadno Research Institute: Lab – Area B-3

100-105 Training: Level 103

MOB(S) – Rash Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Leafre: West Leafre Forest

100-110 Training: Level 107

MOB(S) – Blood Harp Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Leafre: Sky Nest II

110-120 Training: Level 113

MOB(S) – Robo Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Ludibrium: Toy Factory – Apparatus Room

Maplestory Leveling & Training Guide – 120 to 250

120-135 Training: Level 130

MOB(S) – Moon Bunny Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Korean Folk Town: Black Mountain Entrance

120-140 Training: Level 119 

MOB(S) – Dual Ghost Pirate Best Training Spot For This Level Is –  Hidden Street: Unbalanced Time

140-150 Training: Level 140

MOB(S) – Yellow King Goblin Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Korean Folk Town: Goblin House

130-150 Training: Level 136

MOB(S) – Bain Best Training Spot For This Level Is – El Nath: The Cave of Trials III

135-150 Training: Level 141

MOB(S) – Dark Wyvern Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Minar Forest: Black Wyvern’s Nest

150-170 Training: Level 155

MOB(S) – Enraged Espresso Machine Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Kerning Tower: 2F Cafe 4

150-170 Training: Level 157

MOB(S) – Blue Notebook Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Kerning Tower: 3F Arts & Entertainment Shops 4

170-180 Training: Level 175

MOB(S) – Gray Luxury Saucer Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Omega Sector, Inside the Mothership: Corridor 202

170-180 Training: Level 180

MOB(S) – Gray Luxury Saucer Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Omega Sector, Inside the Mothership: Corridor H03

169-180 Training: Level 160

MOB(S) – Dusk Viper Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Showa Town, Zipangu: Armory

170-180 Training: Level 175

MOB(S) – Prickly Hedgehog Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Savage Terminal, Scrapyard: Seedy Scrapyard 2

180-190 Training: Level 190

MOB(S) – Swollen Stump Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Twilight Perion: Deserted Southern Ridge

180-200 Training: Level 195

MOB(S) – Sinister Rocky Mask Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Twilight Perion: Forsaken Excavation Site 2/4

190-210 Training: Level 204

MOB(S) – Chaseroid Red Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Scrapyard: Scrapyard Hill 4

200-210 Training: Level 140

Best Training Spot For This Level Is –  Arcane River, Cave of Repose: Below the Cave

210-220 Training: Level 140

Best Training Spot For This Level Is – Chu Chu Island, Slurpy Forest Depths Eree Valley: Torrent Zone 3

225-250 Training: Level 140

Best Training Spot For This Level Is –  Arcana: Cavern Lower Path Arcana: Deep in the Cavern Deep in the Cavern: Lower Path 2 Also Read | Maplestory Rose Clipping Guide

Maplestory Leveling & Training Guide – Reboot Server

Leveling 1-100

Special leveling

1-30 Leveling: Tutorial Questlines 10-15 Leveling: Golem’s Temple Entrance 15-23 Leveling: Golem Temple 3 23-30 Leveling: Waste Treatment Plant 3

Standard Leveling

1-10 Leveling: Tutorial Questlines 10-15 Leveling: Golem’s Temple Entrance 15-30 Leveling: Golem Temple 3 20-25 Leveling: Mushmom Forest Trail 23-30 Leveling: Giant Tree 10-17 Leveling: Edelstein Strolling Path 1&2 17-21 Leveling: Edelstein Strolling Path 3 21-30 Leveling: Streetlight Row 10-21 Leveling: Hedgehog Prickleyard 3 21-30 Leveling: Waste Treatment Plant 3 10-30 Leveling: Story Quests 14-23 Leveling: Oda Scout 17-30 Leveling: Oda Warrior 30-60 Leveling: Choose a Dungeon: Elodin, Ellinel Fairy Academy, Gold Beach, or Riena Strait 30-40 Leveling: Stray Dog Alley 1&2 40-50 Leveling: Mr. Hazard’s Lair 1, 2, & 3 43-48 Leveling: Kerning City Quests 48-60 Leveling: Wild Boar Land 60-72 Leveling: Military Camp 1 60-77 Leveling: Silent Swamp or also Humid Swamp 65-81 Leveling1: Stairway to the Sky I 72-90 Leveling: Ice Valley II 83-100 Leveling: Sahel 2 or also Desert of Serenity 90-100 Leveling: Lab – Area C-2

Leveling 100-203

100-115 Leveling:  Normal Zakum Boss 100-108 Leveling: West Leafre Forest 100-113 Leveling: Sky Nest II 105-120 Leveling: Cloud/Sky Terrace 108-120 Leveling: Toy Factory > Apparatus Room 115-140 Leveling: Monster Park Daily quest 120-130 Leveling: Forgotten Passage 125-135 Leveling: Black Mountain Entrance 130-140 Leveling: Tiger Forest II 135-140 Leveling: Moonlight Ridge 140-149 Leveling: Red-Nose Pirate Den 2 140-200 Leveling: Monster Park 143-154 Leveling: Commercci Republic (Dungeon) 145-150 Leveling: Kerning Tower (Dungeon) 145-154 Leveling: 2F Cafe <4> 148-161 Leveling: 5F Cosmetics Shop <3> 160-171 Leveling: Boswell Field III & IV 160-175 Leveling: Normal Horntail Boss 165-180 Leveling: Omega Sector ( Dungeon) 168-185 Leveling: Inside the Mothership: Corridor 203 180-190 Leveling: Inside the Mothership: Corridor H03 185-192 Leveling: Deserted Southern Ridge 191-203 Leveling: Forsaken Excavation Site 2

Maplestory Leveling & Training Guide – Fifth Job

30AF leveling: Weathered Land of Rage (Vanishing Journey Training) 40AF leveling: Fire Zone (Vanishing Journey Training) 60AF leveling: Below the Cave (Vanishing Journey Training) 40AF leveling: Subway Tunnel 1&4 (Reverse City Training) 100AF leveling: Hidden Research Train (Reverse City Training) 100AF leveling: Five Color Hill: Mottled Forest 1 (Chuchu Island Training) 100 AF leveling: Slurpy Forest Depths (Chuchu Island Training) 160AF leveling: Skywhale Mountainside 2 (Chuchu Island Training) 130 AF leveling: Mushbud Forest (Yum Yum Island Training) 130AF leveling: Illiard Field (Yum Yum Island Training) 130 AF leveling: Fungos Forest (Yum Yum Island Training) 210AF leveling: Revelation Place 3 (Lachelein Training) 210AF leveling: Chicken Festival 1, 2, and also 3 (Lachelein Training) 210 AF leveling: Occupied Dance Floor 1 (Lachelein Training) 320AF leveling: Between Frost and Thunder 2 (Arcana Training) 360AF leveling: Cavern Lower Path (Arcana Training)) 360AF leveling: Lower Path 1 (Arcana Training) 440AF leveling: Bully Blvd 2 (Moras Training) 480AF leveling: Shadowdance Hall 4(Moras Training) 520AF leveling: That Day in Trueffet 3 (Moras Training) 600AF leveling: Mirror-touched Sea 2 (Esfera Training) 600AF leveling: Mirror-touched Sea 3 (Esfera Training)) 600 AF leveling: Mirror-touched Sea 6 (Esfera Training) 640AF leveling: Radiant Temple 3 (Esfera Training) 670AF leveling: Last Horizon 2 (Tenebris Training) 730AF leveling: Void Current 4 (Tenebris Training) 820AF leveling: Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 1 (Tenebris Training) 880AF leveling: End of the World 1-4 (Tenebris Training) 880AF leveling: End of the World 1-5 (Tenebris Training)

With this comes the end of our Maplestory Leveling & Training Guide (Source: ). For more such guides and updates keep following us on our website