MIR4 Flower Of The Demonic Cult Mystery Quest

How To Unlock The Quest?

In order to unlock the Flower Of The Demonic Cult Mystery Quest in MIR4, players will need to complete the Snake Valley Request Suspicious Woman. To complete the Request, players need to find the Precious Herb.

To locate the Precious Herb, fast travel to Upper Death Gorge. Locate the question mark and jump to the location of the Herb from there. Once players reach the Herb, they can simply gather it. It is an easy request with no combat involved. Once players have gathered the Precious Herb, the MIR4 Flower Of The Demonic Cult Mystery Quest will be unlocked.

How To Complete The Quest?

To complete the quest, players will need to solve a series of clues. Below are all the Clues and their solutions.

Clue 1

“Snake Pit really does have a strange aura! Everyone knows it’s a dangerous place, but it’s never short of visitors. It’s also home to a number of unidentified demons and sinners… I’d better check this place out carefully. Who knows what’s going to happen?”

While this clue is pretty ambiguous, it leads the players to an area near Death Gorge Insect Rock Landmark in Upper Death Gorge. Here, players must find Yu Gombo. He is well hidden and players must jump on a rock and the to one side to find his location.

Clue 2

“Didn’t know that Herbalist Hong could be mischievous! Earwig Husks… I can get them easily in this area. Yu Gombo is quite faint-hearted.”

To complete this Clue players should find the Fold Earwig creatures and attack them till they get 30 Earwig Husks. It is better to have some friends along to complete this part of the Quest quickly.

Clue 3

“This should be enough. Where did Yu Gombo say to meet him? Ah, right. The campsite to the west of Snake Pit.”

To complete this clue, players must travel to the Snake Pit. Here they must go to the campsite located near the Crystalline Forest portal. Players only need to climb the wooden stairs to complete this clue.

Clue 4

“Where is Yu Gombo? He told me to come here. Where did he go… I should ask around.”

Find and talk to Gu Wolong to complete this Clue and get the 5th Clue.

Clue 5

“What the…! The nerve of some people! Is Herbalist Hong planning to meet Master Gok? He can protect himself, but what is this all about? I need Possessed Bone Shards to figure it out. People here must know about them.”

Players will need to go to Lower Death Gorge to complete this clue. Here, players need to attack the Possessed Darcs and Possessed Mudcreeps till they collect 20 Possessed Bone Shards as required by the Clue.

Clue 6

“I’m sure Gu Wolong has some issue with Master Sarmati. When I see him again, I’m gonna ask him what it is. If it’s only fake rumors, he shall regret running his mouth.” Once players have collected the Possessed Bone Shards, they need to return to the campsite and talk to Gu Wolong. This will complete the 6th clue in the MIR4 Flower Of The Demonic Cult Mystery Quest.

Clue 7

“That guy Gu Wolong… I have no idea of his intentions. People say that most Demonic Cultists are very eccentric. That may explain why he is like that. Anyway, he said it’s urgent. I should go get the Evil Possessed Bead. I guess I can get some by eliminating demons in the area as usual?”

To complete this clue, players will need to collect Evil Possessed Beads by eliminating 25 demons. For this, go to the red-circled area in Upper Death Gorge.

Clue 8

“The Evil Possessed Bead… It doesn’t look medicinal at all. Does Herbalist Hong really need it? And who is that person Gu Wolong spoke of? I’m sure I’ll be able to learn something when I meet him.”

Players will need to return to the Snake Pit campsite and talk to Yu Gombo once more.

Clue 9

“I’m more curious about Master Sarmati and the Flower of the Demonic Cult than about Herbalist Hong’s woman… Neither Gu Wolong nor Master Sarmati is likely to answer me. Do I have to ask Herbalist Hong? He told me to go to the northwest of the Death Gorge and find a place where a whirlwind blows, right? I should go that way.”

For this clue, players must find Herbalist Hong and Gok Danhwa in Upper Death Gorge.

Clue 10

“Danhwa… That sounds familiar… Oh my! Gok Danhwa! It’s her! Get a Furious Dusk Armado Husk in the Secret Peak? What a request! Should I make a run for it? No! I should do this for Master Sarmati’s sake! I’m coming for you, Furious Dusk Armado!”

First, enter Secret Peak 1F by using a ticket. Then, go near the Shielder Legion Goblin Watcher located next to the caged Goblin. In the shop, select Medium Boss and craft a Furious Dusk Armado Summon Badge. Players will need 25 Uncommon Blood Soul Crystals and 25 Uncommon Celestial Soul Crystals to do this. Next, players will need to go to Secret Peak 2F and find the boss summon pillar. Now they can summon the Furious Dusk Armado and defeat it to collect the Furious Dusk Armado Husk.

Clue 11

“I’ve heard Madam Gok Danhwa was so beautiful that she was called the Flower of the Demonic Cult… But she now looks like… Master Sarmati, Sister Osher… hmm… Is there something that they haven’t told me? No, it’s none of my business. I suppose I can deliver the Furious Dusk Armado Husk to where we met before.”

Players must return to the location where they first found Gok Danhwa and talk. This will complete the MIR4 Flower Of The Demonic Cult Mystery Quest. To learn how to complete all MIR4 Mystery Quests, check out MIR4 Mystery Guide: How To Complete All MIR4 Mystery & Missions