The story of One Piece revolves around Monkey D. Luffy, who is inspired by the powerful pirate ‘Red Haired’ Shanks, leaves his home to discover the fabled treasure ‘One Piece‘ and ends up declaring himself as the King of Pirates. It has been a long time since he started his new journey to find the treasure but he is yet to get it, which is making this manga series much longer. Ever since its 1007 chapter released, there are tons of fans who have been wondering when will Once Piece 1008 Chapter release. Are you excited to watch One Piece 1008 Chapter? If yes then don’t worry, we have got you everything covered here, including its release date, time, spoilers, and what happened in the last chapter.

One Piece Chapter 1,008 Release Date

According to a report published in Epic Stream, One Piece Chapter 1008 will release on this Sunday (March 28, 2021). The 1008 Chapter of One Piece was supposed to release on March 21 but it skipped a weekend and now it is most likely to release this Sunday. If the makers of the series make any changes related to the One Piece 1008 release date, we will update this post.

One Piece Chapter 1,008 Release Time

On March 28, 2021, Once Piece 1008 Chapter will release in Japan at 12:00 AM Japan Standard Time. Here are the times when Once Piece 1008 will release across the world:

Pacific Time: 8 AM Central Time: 10 AM Eastern Time: 11 AM British Time: 4 PM

One Piece Chapter 1,008 Spoilers

It is sad to inform you that we have not got any information regarding the story of One Piece 1008. If you want us to update you about the 1008 chapter then you will have to wait until this Sunday. As soon as the chapter goes on air, we will update this section.

What Happened In One Piece Chapter 1,007?

In order to contain the outbreak of the deadly virus, Chopper released a good virus, which heals everyone who inhales it in. Those who were originally told that they were expandable have been turned into monsters. The ending on One Piece Chapter 1007 has left everything wondering what will happen in the next chapter of One Piece. To know more about Anime, Tech, and Gaming, Stay tuned to Games Adda.