The only reason why fans want to download the PlayIt app on a PC or Laptop is tons of people use Telegram’s web version and they are having difficulty watching Telegram videos. The reason why people love PlayIt app the most is it does allow you to watch videos online or download them in multiple formats. Once you have successfully downloaded the PlayIt app on your PC, you will be able to avail these features on your PC or Laptop as well. If you don’t know how to use the PlayIt app on your PC then follow the below-mentioned steps:

How to Download and Install Playit For PC?

There are multiple methods to use the PlayIt app on PC. If you don’t know what these methods are then don’t worry we will explain all methods one by one.

Method 1:

Download the PlayIt app for PC by clicking on the given link.

Download PlayIt App For PC

Once you have successfully downloaded it, you will have to double-click on it to initiate the installation process.

Once the installation window appears on the screen, you will have to click on options — Next > Next >Install. When you click on the ‘Install’ button, you will have to wait until the application is finished. Once installed, you can watch Telegram videos on your PC via the PlayIt app. That’s it.

Method 2

The second method requires you to use Android emulators like BlueStacks, NoxPlayers, and others. If you don’t know how to use the mobile application or PlayIt app on a PC using an Android emulator then follow the steps mentioned below:

First, install an Android Emulator on your PC. In this post, we will use the BlueStacks emulator. If you have not downloaded the BlueStacks on your PC then you can do the same by clicking on this link. Once it is downloaded, you will need to double-click on the downloaded file to begin the installation process. Once installed, launch it and search for the Google Play Store application and open it Search for PlayIt on Google Play Store and install it

Once installed, navigate and click on the Media Manager as shown in the above picture.

In Media Manager, you will have to click on the “Import From Windows” option and import the video that you want to play on PlayIt players.

Once imported, you can play the video on Play It on your PC.

That’s all you need to know about how to download the PlayIt app for PC and watch videos on PC using PlayIt player.