Pokemon GO: How to Find and Win a Mega Raid

You can join Mega Raid battles just like any other Raid battles, by going into the Nearby section and checking Raids. Mega Raids have a pink icon with a DNA-like symbol. But before jumping to the battle prepare yourselves well by following these suggestions.

Raid Passes

You only get one free pass per day. So make sure you have chosen the best possible Raid for that time. If you wish to join more battles, then purchase Premium Raid Passes.

Store Items

Winning Mega battles is not a piece of Cake. Your enemy will have a CP count at par with legendary. So make sure you have stocked up more than sufficient Heal Potions, Revives, and Max Revive.

Learn Difficulty

You can know the level of difficulty by the color of the Egg that appears over the Gym. The pink Eggs are Tier 1, yellow is Tier 3, purple Eggs with stripes are Tier 5, and beige with red color Eggs are Mega. It takes about an hour for the Egg to hatch, and you will need to wait for 45 minutes under the Gym to join the battle. Study your opponent while waiting for the match to start, like Mega Gengar can be taken down with strong counters. And Pokemon like Mewtwo, Hoopa, and Landorus will be best against it.

Mega Evolve

This evolution does not stay for much time. So make sure to evolve your Pokemon only during Raid to get an upper hand on your opponent. This is all you need to know to win a Mega Raid battle in Pokemon GO. Also, check out how to heal Pokemon and how to win 5 Star Raid.