List of Berries and Effects in Pokemon Unite

There are two types of berries in the game for now: Sitrus and Salac. The Sitrus berry is a yellow-colored fruit with orange and red dots. The berry is capable of restoring 25% of Pokemon’s HP and is found near the Goal Zones of the Top and Bottom Lane. Sitrus berries mostly appear in pairs that are side by side or across each other. One berry can heal two bars at a time. And you just have to run over it to activate its effect. These berries will not increase your HP if it is already full. Sitrus berries are spotted in multiple locations at the time of spawning. These berries are found on the grounds and not on trees. And these berries disappear when your first Goal Zone gets captured by the enemy. So paying attention to the mini-map during a game is crucial. The second berry is Salac. It is a green berry and appears in the middle lane near the Legendary Pit. When consumed this berry gives a speed boost to the Pokemon. The boost lasts for a few seconds and the number of Salac berries is usually less compared to Sitrus berries. They respawn after 1 minute of consumption. This berry is especially beneficial to Attackers, as there are many slow-speed Attacker Pokemons. This was the list of the berries and their effect during a match in Pokemon Unite. Wondering how to upgrade Held Items and what all Status Effects are available.