How To Find The Military Base In Project Zomboid?

To find the location of the Project Zomboid Military Base:

Players will need to look near Rosewood on the map. There’s a road that seemingly goes nowhere situated in the middle of the highway. Once players get to the location, they will find a road leading somewhere. Follow this road in a vehicle.

It will eventually merge with a dirt road a little way ahead. Turn the vehicle to follow the dirt road. Stock up on food, weapons, water, and other resources. There is a high likelihood of getting attacked by zombies or getting lost in the woods.

Follow the dirt road straight till you arrive at a turn. Turn the vehicle and then keep following the road.

Follow the road straight till there is a narrow turn. Turn the vehicle here, Zombies will start popping up on the path, trying to hinder the progress. Unless it is a huge horde and the vehicle can’t move forward, don’t stop to confront them. Preserve the strength for when there would be no other option but to fight the zombies.

Follow the road till it splits in two directions.

Keep heading straight. Avoid trying to get into a direct confrontation with the zombies. This will only deplete the resources players will need in order to find the Military Base location in Project Zomboid.

Soon, there will be another turn in the road. Turn the vehicle to take the turn.

Follow the road. There will be a slight left turn in the road soon. Adjust the vehicle accordingly.

Soon, the path will split up again. One path goes straight while the other turns.

Take the turn. Do not go straight as there is a high chance of getting lost in the woods that way.

Follow the road until there is a fork in the path again.

Keep going straight to keep on track.

Follow the road till there is a fork in the path.

Turn left from the fork.

The road will get progressively thinner before giving out altogether. After this, players will be driving on the grass.

Keep to the left. It is really easy to get lost here.

Keep to the left and soon there would be some dirt patches leading towards a road again.

Turn left to keep on the road when it is the turn shown below.

Make another turn as shown below.

Follow the road as shown below.

Soon there will be random dirt patches in the road again. Keep following the road. The zombies will be quite dense by now. Turn as shown below.

Keep following the path till there is an asphalt road ahead. The Project Zomboid Military Base location is quite close now.  Players should follow the road till they reach a roadblock. They can drive around the roadblock.

 There will be a fork in the road soon. Turn slightly right to keep on track.

Players should follow the asphalt road till they arrive at a parking lot. The Military Base is attached to the parking lot.

This is how players can find the Military Base location in Project Zomboid. The Military Base is not the only hard-to-find location in Project Zomboid. Louisville, the newest area unveiled in Project Zomboid can be pretty tough to find as well. To know how to find it, read How To Get To Louisville In Project Zomboid? For more Project Zomboid tips and tricks, check out Games Adda’s Project Zomboid Guides.