Since the release of the game, there were seasons and royale passes released in PUBG Mobile almost every month. With every new season and royale pass, new outfits and items were released in the game. So, if you feel like you are missing out on anything and want to know about all season’s best outfits in PUBG Mobile then you are in the right place! Here is a complete list of all the best outfits from every season of PUBG Mobile.

 All Season’s Best Outfits In PUBG Mobile

Season 2 – Royale Bunny

The first royale pass was released for season two and this is the outfit that came along with it. There were two items in their the headgear and a bunny suit.

Season 3 – Hazard

Hazard was released with royale pass 2 in season 3. It is a cool outfit that comes with a mask and sea green colored pants.

Season 4 – Mad Bear

This is one of the coolest outfits that has fur on the jacket and the pants. Along with that, it has a very unique headgear that resembles a bear.

Season 5 – Roaring Dragon & Dragon Hunter

Two outfits were released with Season 5 royale pass. Both the outfits look like superhero costumes and choosing the best from them is a debatable stance.

Season 6  – Brilliant Anniversary Outfit

A brilliant anniversary outfit is a funky outfit that has a TV box-like head and a very colorful outfit that will catch anyone’s attention.

Season 7 – Assault Squad & Urban Scavenger

These were the two outfits that were revealed in Season 7 royale pass. They are amazing matt black costumes and look stunning during matches.

Season 8 – Bronze Armor

Bronze Armor is a full set of outfits that covers from hair to toe. It is shiny black with attachments made of bronze at different parts.

Season 9 – Draconian Champion

This is a unique outfit with a circular metal hat on the head and a complete armor set.

Season 10 – Lava Bret

Lava Bret is a special suit painted in red and black. It has a unique design and is different from all season’s outfits in PUBG Mobile.

Season 11- Elite Force

This outfit reminds us of Cyberpunk. It has a nice cape-like long jacket and a mask that will make you fall in love with its vibe.

Season 12 – Hardened Veteran & Phantom Cat Girl

Hardened Veteran and Phantom cat girl were both were released on the second anniversary of PUBG Mobile. Both outfits are black and purple for all male and female characters out there and are unique in their way.

Season 13 – Nebula Hero Set

Nebula Hero Set will give you a robotic vibe and it was released with royale pass 13 in PUBG Mobile. It has an electrifying costume in a great blend of red, blue, and white colors that makes it stand out from all the other outfits.

Season 14 – Avian Tyrant Set

The season 14 outfit is unique as it has wings attached to it. Apart from that, it comes with purple hair that looks amazing with the outfit.

Season 15 – Samurai OPS

Samurai OPS is an outstanding outfit that resembles an assassin in the PUBG Mobile.

Season 16 – Knight Terror

As the name suggests, Knight terror is a very interesting outfit that has purple wings and a mask made of steel.

Season 17 – Guardian Armor

This is also an outfit of a warrior that is painted in yellow and with a crown on his head.

Season 18 – String Ensemble

This costume or outfit was released on the special occasion of the 3rd anniversary of PUBG Mobile.

Season 19 – General Beetle Outfit

This is another unique outfit that resembles a beetle.

Cycle 1 season 1- Month 1: Night Stalker Outfit

Cycle 1 season 1 in PUBG Mobile started with Night Stalker outfit. It was introduced in the season 20 royale pass of PUBG Mobile.

Cycle 1 season 1- Month 2: The Marine Marauder

The Marine Marauder is a very fancy outfit with headgear that consists of horns attached to it.

Cycle 2 season 2- Month 3: Deep-fried set

This costume is way different and beyond our imagination as it has a pack of fries on it.

With this, we come to the end of our article on all season’s outfits in PUBG Mobile. For all the upcoming seasons and new outfits bookmark this page and visit here again as we will be updating it from time to time.