The key to the game is the placement of your dragons, the type of dragons you are using, and how upgraded they are. While the game focuses only on dragons there is still a huge variety for you to choose from. This is why we have crafted a detailed Summon Dragons Tier list ranking all the Dragons available in the game.

Summon Dragons Tier List – June 2022

The Dragons in the game are divided into 5 categories S, A, B, C, and D with S being the strongest and D being the weakest. You should know all the Dragons in the tier list are at the max level. Here are all the Dragons ranked Tier wise.

Tier S

Cosmo Miya Edwards Sol Grison Phoenix

Tier A

Garfield Envy Lion Flog

Tier B

Jett Terra Iris Carney Daniel Toby Bert Grover Edwyn Margaret Sebastian Jane

Tier C

 Kamath Kali Lung Darwin Heracles Uranus Elijah Greed

Tier D

 Erinis Neptune Bruce Liz Blade Vulcan Harley

Even though we have ranked all  Summon Dragons in all tiers we would recommend you to try to choose dragons from Tier S, A, and B. Dragons from Tier C and D are good but you’ll need very accurate placement and timing to get the best out of them. Apart from the Dragons players should also focus on the effects and buffs they are using. When effects and buffs are combined with the right dragons the impact is massive. Summon dragons lays major emphasis on combining the resources and powers so make sure you check the Tier list thoroughly before building your team. That’s all for this one, do check out our Warframe Tier list to get the best characters.