All-time Top Board Games for 2 Players

7 Wonders Duel

7 Wonders Duel is a scientific-military development game created by Antoine Bauza. You are supposed to advance civilization and complete the wonders of three ages. The game is best for history lovers.

Forbidden Island

Forbidden Island is a sci-fi strategy cooperation game by Gamerwright. It has 59 playing cards, 24 island tiles, 6 pawns, 4 treasure figurines, and more. And the game can be played between 2 to 5 players.

Star Wars: Rebellion

Star Wars: Rebellion is a war game of Fantasy Flight Games. It supports two to four players. The pack consists of 150 plastic miniatures and two board games. The game lets you command troopers, T-47, fighter squadrons, and Corellian corvettes.


Jaipur is a strategy board game suitable for both adults and kids, made by Space Cowboys. And is a strictly duel-player game where you take on the role of one of the city’s most influential and powerful traders. Your main goal here is to become a personal trader of Maharaja.

Pandemic – 2nd Edition

Pandemic – 2nd Edition is a 2 to 4 players strategy board game by Z-Man Games. You aim to heal the infected patient, find the cure, and build research facilities for all the deadly diseases. The Pandemic series has multiple expansions and stand-alone titles.

War of the Ring – 2nd Edition

War of the Ring – 2nd Edition is a strategy war board game by Ares Games. It supports two to four players. And there are 16 Action Dice, 5 Combat Dice, and 76 Cardboard Counters. There are 110 Events and Character cards. Plus, you also get 204 figures of armies and characters. This was the list of the best board games for 2 players. If you are looking for more top game articles, check out murder mystery and board games for adults.