All Enemy’s Elemental Weaknesses in Tribes Of Midgard

The weaknesses are categorized into 4 different categories, which are Fire, Ice, Lighting, and Dark. Enemies weak to Ice

Halogi White Goblin Thrower White Goblin Warrior Amber Wolf Brennálfar Archer Brennálfar Warrior Brennaúlfur

Enemies weak to Fire

Unfrozen Shield-Maiden Unfrozen Warrior Geirroor Isulfur White Wolf

Enemies weak to Dark

Blue Goblin Thrower Blue Goblin Warrior Jarnsaxa Linnorm Blue Tröll

Enemies weak to Lightning

Angrbooa Dokkalfar Witch Elite Seekling Elite Vatling Seekling Bombling Creepling Dogling Dokkalfar Archer Dokkalfar Warrior Vatling Sireling Twinling Unsunken Shield-Maiden Unsunken Warchief Unsunken Warrior

As you can see there are many Jotunns who are weakened by the Dark, so picking the Dark Sword can be beneficial for you. But keep this in your mind that you can only pick one Sword at a time, and when the Jotunns arrive they come randomly, so you never know which Brute or Evil Spirit will appear in front of you. Sometimes the plan can go wrong, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll loose. So just don’t be dependent on the sword and the enemy’s elemental weakness and also try to improve your gameplay. If you’re wondering about How Many Classes and Runes are there in Tribes of Midgard, we’ve got you covered.