What is Pay to Win in Epic Seven (E7)

Pay to Win, also known as P2W is a process where players buy in-game items with real-world money. And those items fasten their progress and give them the upper hand on other F2P. Free-to-play players do not rely on these real money purchase methods and advance using storylines and other challenges. And since Epic Seven uses a gacha system, having P2W makes total sense, as it is already a game of luck during most summons. So no matter how much a real currency player uses, in the end, it’s them playing the game. These packs contain lots of things, such as MolaGora, Leif, Potion of Ascension, Skystone, Gold, and more. Some of which are hard to obtain. As you progress in the game, demand for more and higher-level resources increases. Which is hard to fill for free-to-play players. But P2W players easily fill it using real money. And it also gives P2W players an item advantage during PvP matches. Players can purchase money packs by going to the main lobby and selecting Shop. Scrolling and then choosing the Pack option. There are many fixed packs like MolaGora Value Pack, Relay Summon Pack, Element Summon Pack, and so on. But the most profitable packs are time-limited packs like Holiday Packs 1, 2, 3, 4, Monthly Pack, and Daily Packs. Remember more expensive packs do not necessarily have the best resources. So check and list the contents of the pack before purchasing. This is all about the Pay to Win of Epic Seven E7. Are you searching for more such guides? Read how to use gifts and how to get Wanted Posters.